In what faith group were you a member before you started your journey to Orthodoxy?

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In what faith group were you a member before you started your journey to Orthodoxy?

Post by Maria »

I was born into a Roman Catholic family. Although my dad was agnostic for a while, he converted back to Roman Catholicism just before his death.

It took me a while, many years, before I seriously looked into Holy Orthodoxy as my earlier life was totally absorbed in Roman Catholicism.
We attended Sunday Mass every Sunday, attended parochial schools, helped out at their annual carnivals, went to their Friday potlucks where we were served meatless spaghetti and huge Italian salads, along with gelatin salads, etc. Then later after Vatican II, we attended Bible studies and discussion groups about Vatican II.

Sometime was not right after Vatican II. The Roman Catholic Church did not seem to be the same. I discovered Orthodoxy when I had serious bout of pneumonia and ended up in the hospital with a 105 degree fever. I promised our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ that if He healed me, I would look into Orthodoxy. That was Pascha 1993. By August 1, 1993, I was well. It was a long recovery. I visited the Melkite Catholic Church thinking it was Orthodox because Cardinal Mahony had warned people that it was not under the Roman Catholic Pope. The good priests at the Melkite Church told me otherwise, and even gave me their blessing to attend inquiry classes at the local Greek Orthodox Church.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: In what faith group were you a member before you started your journey to Orthodoxy?

Post by Justice »

I was a religious Jew going to Orthodox Jewish miyans and doing morning and evening prayers. I even accepted the Talmud and its blasphemous words against the lord and savior Jesus Christ. But with the grace of God, he brought me to his church even though I blasphemed him daily. I had only gone to church twice in my life and it was when my cousin came who's an evangelical protestant. Fast forward and I'm at my Jewish school I had begun to develop in the back of my mind that something was missing. I then began to look into the Talmud and Modern Rabbinical Judaism and realized it wasn't the correct Jewish worship. And I found out the terrible things in the Talmud about Child rape and the multiple horrible writings against Christ. This led me to turn away from Judaism and explore Christianity as I had accepted the true God at this point in my life. I then began to look into various protestant denominations as I had fallen for the evil Catholic Church lie formed by the Protestants. I became involved in listening to Protestant church music until I found Brother Nathaniel's Youtube channel and he opened my eyes to something I had never heard of before: Orthodox Christianity I first asked myself "what if they believe in the pope?" as I had never thought that the pope was correct even in my Jewish days. I soon began looking up multiple questions about Orthodoxy online and eventually decided to join World Orthodoxy since I hadn't heard of True Orthodoxy yet.

I will continue on part 2

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Re: In what faith group were you a member before you started your journey to Orthodoxy?

Post by Agios_Irineos »

I was raised in the ALC (American Lutheran Church) which became the ELCA. I moved to the more conservative Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, before embarking on my search for the apostolic faith.

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