Why are people attracted to Gregory of Colorado?

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Why are people attracted to Gregory of Colorado?

Post by Justice »

It just makes me wonder why the congregants and Bishops in his synod such as Bishop John and others in communion with him didn't try to look into the other TOCs. Maybe they were brainwashed into accepting his distorted viewpoints?

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Re: Why are people attracted to Gregory of Colorado?

Post by Maria »

Again, topic of this type are sure to draw some unwanted attention and negative comments, which goes contrary to our rules. Otherwise, we would have heated debates all over the forum as we did in the past.

Thus, I am moving this thread into Intra-TOC Polemics.

In Christ,

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Why are people attracted to Gregory of Colorado?

Post by Maria »

Justice wrote:

It just makes me wonder why the congregants and Bishops in his synod such as Bishop John and others in communion with him didn't try to look into the other TOCs. Maybe they were brainwashed into accepting his distorted viewpoints?

Since Bishop Gregory of Colorado through his many videos and websites has attacked not only World Orthodoxy, but also every other synod which claims to be a True Orthodox Synod, he has ruled out any other synod. Furthermore, since he believes that only his sacraments are correct, Bishop Gregory and Bishop John who serves under Bishop Gregory require that all people who want to join the Colorado Synod must be baptized again even if they have had the correct Trinitarian form of Baptism with the Triple Immersion.

Bishop Kyrikos, who has left the True Synod of St. Matthew and who has falsely declared that the True Orthodox Church of Greece under Archbishop Stephanos is in heresy, also requires that bishops coming from other Synods be baptized again, be ordained again, and be consecrated a bishop again, and this applies not only to members of the True Orthodox Church of Greece, but also to all members of "True" Orthodoxy anywhere else in the world.

No matter how humble these two men pretend to be, this is against the teachings of the Apostles who declared that there is One Baptism, One Faith, One Lord Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 4:1-6 (KJV)

I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Emphasis is mine.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Why are people attracted to Gregory of Colorado?

Post by Justice »

Thank you Maria for your response, it just makes you wonder when Gregory of Colorado split off from ROAC (for unknown reasons) why people chose to follow him and his views.

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Re: Why are people attracted to Gregory of Colorado?

Post by Barbara »

Wasn't he deposed by Metropolitan Valentin, the head of ROAC in Suzdal, Russia ? Seems to me that Bp Gregory was first
lauded, then word got to the Metropolitan about some of his notions. Eventually the ROAC Synod voted to depose the Colorado maverick. I can't recall offhand whether Gregory had already been elevated to Archbishop at that point. Or whether he conferred this title upon himself.

Some of his writings are good, such as about his struggle with HTM. You sound like you are making a thorough survey of the
various TOC synods, Justice. That is wise to check into all and learn as much as you can about each. It won't hurt you, even if you decide a certain one is not your cup of tea. At least you will be able to field questions intelligently about each of these various groups.

That is an asset to gain a working familiarity with the history of the TOCs.
I see you have listed yourself as ROCiE-V. Good. But people will ask you WHY you selected this particular synod. Thus you want to be able to respond with detailed analysis of the other jurisdictions.

Congratulations !

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