Valaam: producing Pineapple/ requesting medications

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Valaam: producing Pineapple/ requesting medications

Post by Barbara »

"The brethren of the Transfiguration of the Savior Monastery on Valaam Island in northern Russia have begun growing pineapples, a fruit quite exotic for Russia, reports the monastery’s site.

The monastery’s work with pineapples began two years ago when the brethren were given pineapples as a gift from a pilgrim. The monks decided to plant a pair of the foreign fruit in their greenhouse in the Valaam Island Upper Garden. Now, two years later, the first bright yellow pineapples, presumably Columbian, have appeared.

Besides the pineapples, the usual vegetables and herbs are also grown on the island: cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, parsley, dill, and onions.

“The most important thing is to understand that your obedience in the greenhouse is for the consolation of all the brethren,” feeding them throughout the winter, stated Novice Iliya Beketov, the head of the monastery’s greenhouses.

Monastic gardening appeared on Valaam in 1810 with the planting of the Upper Garden. Two other gardens appeared also in 1856 and 1860. In 1869, the Valaam gardens consisted of up to 400 apple trees of 60 varieties. The brethren also cultivated pears, plums, gooseberries, currants, raspberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, and pumpkins.

Much in the Valaam nurseries was destroyed to the desolation of 1940-1989. Qualified care for the gardens recommenced only in 1996.

Valaam has also increased its amount of farm-raised trout in response to the recent anti-Russian sanctions, patented its own cheese brand, and gathered its first grain harvest since 1939 last year."

I hope the Valaam brethren are not eating farm-raised trout resembling that which is produced in North America ! It's extremely unhealthy. Perhaps there is a better method used in the Russian North, for certainly the brotherhood and their guests deserve this tasty treat of trout [ how's that for alliteration?! ]

Last edited by Barbara on Tue 16 May 2017 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Valaam Monastery: producing Pineapple, requesting medications

Post by Barbara »

Machine translation:

Cure for the spiritual disease - fasting and prayer, given by the Lord Himself, but physical ailments do not pass by us. They help manage the monastery pharmacy. A low bow to the benefactors who help to replenish its reserves. Each donor, we are sincerely grateful for the compassionate act and invaluable contribution to the health of the Valaam monastery. But stocks have faileth property, sometimes at the most inopportune moment.

Dear brothers and sisters! You can continue this good work for the glory of God - participation in the maintenance of health and disability monks of the monastery, staff member for the restoration of the monastery, and guests of the monastery, who decided on a pilgrimage to the island, a message is with the mainland, even in the summer time can be fast in the case of unexpected illness. The monastery pharmacy can send or bring the following medicines (medicines list open here) :

Parcels should be sent to the monastery: 186756, Republic of Karelia, Sortavala area on. Valaam Valaam Monastery (marked "Yaroslavtsev Vladimir Pharmacy") or bring in person - all drugs should have not expired, and the whole package.

No matter how many medicines you can pass - one pack or a big box...[ it will be greatly appreciated ].

Diligence of our associates is shown all these years thoroughness and accuracy of packaging, enclosed a note with kind words and wishes of the brethren...

Valaam monastery at every service offers prayers of all has commanded us, unworthy to pray for them.

If anyone wishes to help out the denizens of this historic Monastery, famed for its Elders and ascetics, it might be best to go to the Russian language site and take the address in Russian characters from there. It could be printed out and pasted onto an envelope with plenty of scotch tape, as it would be traveling a long way.
I am no supporter of medications, but out in the remote wilderness of the Russian North, there may not be a choice if someone is struck with a serious condition.

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Re: Valaam: producing Pineapple/ requesting medications

Post by Maria »

How interesting.

DOLE (yes, the chemical company who manufactures tainted GMO foods) has recently started using one of those labeling guns to shoot their pineapples in their hearts (the whorl of green leaves shooting from the center of the fruit) with those plastic tags. These deeply imbedded plastic tags not only kill the fruit, but also prevent it from ripening, so that it starts growing mold.

Here is an example of a tag gun. Note that it is recommended for garments, not fruit.


Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Valaam: producing Pineapple/ requesting medications

Post by Barbara »

Oh my ! These must be the type that put that thin plastic band to hold a price tag on clothes or linens or such things ?

Amazing that you found out about that, Maria. It kills the poor pineapple ? Terrible.
Surely the Valaam versions, struggle as they must in that frozen northern climate, will end up being better off than their tropical competitors. At least they will remain alive, unlike the Hawaiian variety.

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Re: Valaam: producing Pineapple/ requesting medications

Post by Barbara »

Added note : Pineapple is a smart fruit to grow if one has the conditions set up right as these Valaam monks have managed to do. Why ? Because the bromelain enzyme in it is EXCELLENT for digesting proteins. There are so many residues from all the proteins one has eaten in one's lifetime [ including those meat and/or cheese Fondues which one's parents may have fed one growing up, or - as the case may be - plain American steaks ]. These all plus most other food form unpleasant deposits which are the root of many, many diseases from which modern people suffer.

Pineapple uniquely works to digest all that toxic buildup and free up the digestive tract. It's a marvel.

Due to such properties, pineapple is used often as a natural means to stop inflammation.

However, it must be eaten first thing in the morning, and without anything else. An hour or two should pass before any other food is consumed, particularly starchy carbohydrates or even other types of fruit. The two will clash and mal-digestion will result, whether one feels this condition or doesn't notice any discomfort. In turn, all this poor digestive power adds up to create MORE toxins that get stuck in the system. Pineapple is the ideal remedy. Never ant-acids or whatever they are called.

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Re: Valaam: producing Pineapple/ requesting medications

Post by Barbara »

The secret of the ability of monks to cultivate exotic foods like Pineapple in harsh northern Russia near Finland is unveiled below.
From the Valaam website :

"The orchards of Valaam… So much has been said and written about them. But the flood continues of exclamations and puzzled questions about how people can grow vegetables and exotic fruits in conditions described as “extremely high-risk agricultural”, and even produce amazingly abundant harvests. What is the secret? Do the Valaam monks know something that is hidden from the rest of the world? What gives them the strength to transform nature and create with their hands paradisal foliage on bare rocks?

Growing potatoes, making cheese, and farming trout are all vitally important, but not the most important thing for monks. As opposed to strong collective farms and agribusinesses, the brothers’ agricultural obediences have, to use modern language, different ideological foundations—nothing in the monastery is done without prayer and hope in God’s will, and everything is directed toward the acquisition of humility and peace of soul...

A believing person lives with the thought that God watches after each of us, just as each of the five sparrows sold for two farthings, and firmly remembers the Gospel words, Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows (Lk. 12:7). The true Christian, and especially the monk, firmly knows and is sure that his earthly life belongs completely to the Creator: As the Lord lives, there shall not fall to the ground one of the hairs of his head (1 Kings 14:45). In the New Testament is written, Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows (Matt. 10:29-31). Without His will, not even a hair can fall from our head (cf. Lk. 21:18).

It is better not to lose the seven-eighths in order to preserve the one-eighth.

Even a person who is distant from the Church has thousands of proofs that there are times when all goes not as calculated or planned; sooner or later something happens to clearly prove that it is illusion and self-deception to be sure that all plans are carried out with total control over the situation. That is why a believer always asks in prayer for God’s blessing and help before beginning every work. This hope not in oneself but in the Heavenly Father grants us unselfish joy in even the smallest victory, and gives us the strength with humility to accept defeat—even very great defeat. And this applies to any work, be it painting icons, or growing grapes on rocks and pineapples in a greenhouse.

However, prayer alone will not save us; it has to be joined with the fulfillment of God’s will—everything that is placed upon each of us in our everyday lives. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread (Gen. 3:19); some teach children, some build houses, sew shoes, or conduct a train. Valaam monks always had to obtain their daily bread through labor; after all, nothing about the nature and climactic conditions on the archipelago offered any hope of an easy life. No, there was never an easy life on the island even during the most favorable years. And tragic events in the monastery’s history are countless. Each time the brothers had to raise the monastery from ruins, carefully restoring and preserving the former and creating the new. It is not possible to walk this hard path without peace in the soul—A sacrifice to God is a broken spirit, a heart that is broken and humbled, God will not despise (Ps. 50:19).

As in centuries and decades ago, behind every church or skete built, or every tomato grown in the greenhouse, are everyday obediences.

This interesting photo is from another article at the same website. I thought it fit well here

It is hard for a layperson to believe that the monk cutting the hay or milking the cow has a good university education, but is now joyfully and lightheartedly “spinning the cow’s tail” in a monastery. And what is most amazing is that the labors of these former city-dwellers bring forth a wide array of tangible fruits.

We repeat: Every work that a believer begins should have God’s blessing. But this blessing does not visit the stiff-necked and self-willed, but only the humble and meek. In Abba Dorotheos’s Instructions we read, “Thus, if you are doing any kind of work and wish to fulfill it completely and entirely, then strive to fulfill the work itself, which as I have said, is the eighth part of what is sought, and at the same time preserve your own state of soul unharmed, which constitutes seven-eighths. But if fulfilling your work, your service becomes distracted and you depart from the commandments and harming yourself or another by quarrelling, then it is better not to lose the seven-eighths in order to preserve the one-eighth.”

Then with a pure heart we fall down in prayer to the Lord, so that we would not depart in anything from His holy will, and that He would give us the strength to overcome difficulties. And whoever has the zeal to fulfill God’s will in everything will have bolder prayer before God.

Prayer is not a spell but a request for help.

Thus, every work begins with a prayer to the Lord. In the Orthodox Church it is customary to turn in prayer to the Holy Spirit. We can pray briefly, “O Lord, bless!” But it is better not to be lazy, and spend a little time calling out for God’s help. It is good to learn these prayers by heart and repeat them to ourselves when necessary.

Having prayed before the beginning of a new work, we should complete it honestly and wholeheartedly. After all, prayer is not a spell but a request for help, and the saints will not do anything without our participation. Prayer gives us strength, but it doesn’t do away with the need to do what’s required of us in the best way possible. Even the apostles earned their own living, and endured want, heat, and cold.

After finishing the workday or completing a job, we mustn’t forget to give thanks for the help received. After all, in everyday life the words, “thank you”, are the norm. Giving thanks helps us also avoid such sins as pride. Otherwise, one might decide to ascribe success to his own strength, and this is not far from catastrophe.

Giving thanks for something good rendered is necessary, even if it didn’t all turn out exactly as we would have liked it to—after all, every God-pleasing work is simply bound to be successful. This is the very testimony of the Valaam orchards, blossoming and bearing fruit despite the climate, poor soil, and decades of neglect.

The teacher and instructor of monks, Abba Dorotheus, writes, “No matter what, I always do what I can according to my strength and render it all to God.” And, “Humility consists in ascribing your labors to God.” Isn’t this the secret of Valaam’s paradisal greenery? Isn’t this also the secret to a happy life in the world—in perfect humility, hope in God, and in a peaceful, joyful heart?

Prayer at the Commencement of Any Work

Though the prayers of our holy fathers, O Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, Who art everywhere present and fillest all things, Treasury of good gifts and Giver of Life, come and abide in us, and cleanse us of all impurity, and save our souls, O Good One.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us. (thrice)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. O Lord, wash away our sins, O Master, pardon our transgressions. O Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy Name's sake.

Lord, have mercy. (3 times.)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Only-begotten Son of Thy Eternal Father, Thou hast said with Thy most holy lips: "Without Me, you can do nothing." My Lord and my God, in faith I embrace Thy words with my heart and soul, and bow before Thy goodness; help me, a sinner, to do in union with Thee this work which I am about to begin, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer After the Completion of Any Work.

Glory, both now.

Thou, O my Christ, art the sum and fullness of all that is good; fill my soul with joy and gladness, and save me, for Thou alone art all-merciful. Amen.

It is truly meet to bless Thee O Theotokos, ever blessed and most blameless and Mother of our God. More honorable than the cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the seraphim, who without corruption gaveth birth the God the Word, the very Theotokos, Thee do we magnify.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Lord, have mercy. (3 times.)

Dismissal: O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, through the prayers of Thy most pure Mother, our holy and God-bearing fathers, and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen."

Note that the apparent need to spell out that Prayer is NOT a spell is indicative of the prevalence of magical practices today in the RF. It seems so obvious what Prayer is, but there must be many people in all countries, especially post-Communist Russia, who have resorted to witchcraft and other dark practices to get what they want rather than asking God, His Holy Mother and the Saints.
Meanwhile, any guess what that monk is displaying ? I thought of a melon but I don't think so.

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Re: Valaam: producing Pineapple/ requesting medications

Post by Barbara »

Valaam monk caring for a monastery cat, 19th century

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