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Archimandrit Nilos
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Re: GOC-K's new St. John of SF Monastery in New York

Post by Archimandrit Nilos »

Yes, Kallinikos Sarantopoulos is a deposed Matthewite Archimandrite together with his false "Elder" Kallistos Makris, formerly Metropolitan of Corinth, in the year 1977; both were going to the likewise deposed Matthewite Archimandrite Auxentios Pastras (deposed in 1947). Auxentios was the leader of the Akakian-Florinite parasynagogue. Kallistos was received by Auxentios as "Metropolitan" first till 1971 (the year of the so called "chirothesia" by the ROCOR). Those deposed ones are going to the other deposed ! Interesting, indeed.

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Re: GOC-K's new St. John of SF Monastery in New York

Post by Maria »

Archimandrit Nilos wrote:

Yes, Kallinikos Sarantopoulos is a deposed Matthewite Archimandrite together with his false "Elder" Kallistos Makris, formerly Metropolitan of Corinth, in the year 1977; both were going to the likewise deposed Matthewite Archimandrite Auxentios Pastras (deposed in 1947). Auxentios was the leader of the Akakian-Florinite parasynagogue. Kallistos was received by Auxentios as "Metropolitan" first till 1971 (the year of the so called "chirothesia" by the ROCOR). Those deposed ones are going to the other deposed ! Interesting, indeed.

This is how schisms start. One archimandrite leaves the Church, next he accepts other clergy and laity into his new parasynogogue, and then he seeks consecration as a bishop. If a bishop leaves the Church, then he will seek to establish a synod of schismatic bishops.

Sadly ROCOR rogue bishops cooperated in the secret consecrations of Pappas and Auxentios to form the Akakian-Florinite Synod. Next the ROCOR synod somehow regulated these highly irregular consecrations by simply issuing a protocol (a piece of paper) with no blessing in 1969. Then the SiR schismed from the Akakian-Florinites to establish more schismatic synods, which included the Bulgarian, the Romanian, and Agafangel's ROCA in Moscow.

In 1971, the GOC (Matthewites) joined ROCOR in an attempt to regulate the fiasco created by Auxentios and to give legitimacy to his Synod, but strangely, Archbishop Auxentios Pastras was not willing to accept the GOC while it was in union with ROCOR, so there was no true communion. In fact, it was deception on the part of ROCOR who hid the rampant ecumenism of certain bishops, particularly Anthony of Geneva who had attended Vatican II as a delegate from ROCOR and who was concelebrating with the New Calendarists. In 1976, when the GOC (Matthewites) finally left ROCOR and condemned the ROCOR for its pan heresy of ecumenism, then a couple of GOC bishops left in schism to join Archbishop Auxentios, who accepted them without question or without any prayers -- one schismatic "bishop" accepting other schismatic bishops.

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Post by Barbara »

Great overview of how this process works, Maria. Thank you, we need to keep aware about how things unravel until they are almost like a snowball rolling down a slope ; can hardly be stopped.

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Re: GOC-K's new St. John of SF Monastery in New York

Post by Jean-Serge »

Maria wrote:

In 1971, the GOC (Matthewites) joined ROCOR in an attempt to regulate the fiasco created by Auxentios and to give legitimacy to his Synod, but strangely, Archbishop Auxentios Pastras was not willing to accept the GOC while it was in union with ROCOR, so there was no true communion.

I do not buy at all the story of the Matthewite entering in communion with ROCOR, that was itself in communion with a church they considered schismatic for the sake of regulating a situation. It does not look relaistic at total. By the way, if you follow the strict matthewite view, by doing this, matthewites fell themselves off the church.

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Re: GOC-K's new St. John of SF Monastery in New York

Post by Maria »

Jean-Serge wrote:
Maria wrote:

In 1971, the GOC (Matthewites) joined ROCOR in an attempt to regulate the fiasco created by Auxentios and to give legitimacy to his Synod, but strangely, Archbishop Auxentios Pastras was not willing to accept the GOC while it was in union with ROCOR, so there was no true communion.

I do not buy at all the story of the Matthewite entering in communion with ROCOR, that was itself in communion with a church they considered schismatic for the sake of regulating a situation. It does not look relaistic at total. By the way, if you follow the strict matthewite view, by doing this, matthewites fell themselves off the church.

Back in 1971, the GOC had become convinced that the ROCOR was not schismatic, but that it was a True Orthodox Church.

When the Holy Synod [GOC] approached Metropolitan Philaret, Archbishop Averky, and other ROCOR Hierarchs, in 1971, they [the GOC] read to them their "Exposition of the Faith." It was translated into Russian and read aloud by the then Archpriest George Grabbe to the Synod of Bishops of the ROCOR. The "Exposition of the Faith" was unanimously accepted, along with the Holy Synod's statements of ecclesiology. A report was then sent to the Holy Synod in Athens. For all intents and purposes, the ROCOR and the Holy Synod [GOC] were in complete agreement, or so the Holy Synod thought.

The ROCOR also agreed to state their ecclesiology in writing. However, they did not send the letter, even after several letters were sent asking the ROCOR to do so. When later, the Holy Synod discovered that the ROCOR as a whole, i.e., officially, did not agree with the correct ecclesiology set forth by the hierarchs with whom they first met, they broke off communion with the ROCOR, in 1976 (Father Stephen Fraser, Genuine Orthodox Church of Greece (GOC): A Brief History and Commentary, Glendale, Arizona, 2013, p.49).

Going back years before his death in 1950, St. Matthew had approached several Old Calendarists outside of Greece to serve as co-consecrators, and no doubt, several of these bishops he had approached were with the ROCOR. Indeed, during those times, the Greek Old Calendarists viewed the Slavic Old Calendarists positively, as long as they were anti-Communists and anti-masonic, because it was the New Calendarists who were known to be modernists, schismatics, and heretical. However, during and immediately following World War II, when St. Matthew was attempting to find worthy bishops to assist him, remember also that this was a time of great political, economical, and religious instability. Therefore, these bishop could not come into Greece as all the national police were guarding their borders and preventing refugees and Old Calendarists alike from leaving or entering. St. Matthew, likewise, was being watched very carefully by the police. Even Archbishop Glicherie of Romania, while he was a hieromonk, had risked coming to Greece to meet St. Matthew as his flock wanted him to be consecrated a bishop, but unfortunately, he could not meet St. Matthew. These were very difficult times. And remember that the canons do allow for single-handed consecrations during times of persecution, and that these single-handed consecrations had to be done during the Roman persecutions, communist persecutions, and during times of atheistic freemasonry persecution, which Greece was facing and is still facing today. Even today, at the request of Patriarch Bartholomew, Greece has continued to persecute the True Orthodox on Mt. Athos, and could at any time impose brutal persecution upon all the True Orthodox.

Going forward to 1971 once again, the GOC (Matthewites) had become convinced by Met. Philaret of New York and by a few other clergy that the ROCOR was truly a true Orthodox Church because it had separated itself from the Soviet-controlled MP, had condemned communism, and did not use the New Calendar. It was also apparent that Met. Philaret of New York was a godly person. Therefore, the GOC humbly accepted the laying on of hands as requested by Auxentios even though the ROCOR had considered this single-handed consecration to be an acceptable act of economia. This "laying on of hands" was not a consecration as the GOC bishops were fully vested beforehand. It was only a blessing.

The ROCOR hierarchs showed great interest and admiration for the True Orthodox struggle in Greece, and when the "Exposition of Faith" of the Matthewite Synod was translated into Russian and read aloud by Archpriest George Grabbe to the Synod of Bishops, they unanimously accepted this confession of the Faith including the ecclesiological statements contained therein. Also, the issue of the ‘single-handed’ consecration was discussed and the hierarchs present regarded it to be an acceptable act of economia. The two Matthewite hierarchs then gave a report to the Holy Synod of the GOC in Athens.

Shortly thereafter, Auxentios Pastras, the "Archbishop" of the Acacian/Florinite faction, traveled to America in order to meet Metropolitan Philaret and the other ROCOR hierarchs, and also to persuade the ROCOR Synod not to accept the Matthewite hierarchs into communion due to the fact that they originate from the ‘single-handed’ consecration of 1948. The ROCOR hierarchs, on the other hand, made it known that they did not consider the act of ‘single-handed’ consecration to be outside the limits of economia. Archbishop Auxentios, however, insisted that the Matthewite orders should at least be somehow corrected; otherwise he will not recognize the ROCOR Synod's decision. ...

So the blessing (absolution) was done, but still Auxentios in his hardness of heart, would not meet with the GOC to rectify its uncanonical situation as Auxentios had left the GOC in schism.

Throughout this time-period, the Matthewite Synod constantly sent epistles and encyclicals asking the Auxentian Synod to enter into dialogue with the Matthewite Synod for the purpose of communion and union for the sake of the True Orthodox Struggle, in accordance with the desire of the ROCOR Synod as expressed in its Resolution. However, Archbishop Auxentios refused to enter into dialogue with the Matthewite Synod, but rather continued to spread false allegations against the Matthewite hierarchs. Nevertheless, the fact that Archbishop Auxentios’ false allegations contradicted one another was humorous, yet quite sad, to say the least. At first, Archbishop Auxentios refused to recognize the Resolution of the ROCOR Synod of Bishops because the latter had "uncanonically" recognized the Matthewite Synod as canonical. However, when this initial position was no longer suitable, Archbishop Auxentios then began stating that the ROCOR Synod had "re-consecrated" the Matthewite hierarchy. When hierarchs of both the ROCOR and Matthewite Synods proved that this latter allegation was false, Archbishop Auxentios then stated that the Matthewites had received a "regularization" but that they had supposedly later "reverted it" by denying that it was ever a "regularization" at all.

Therefore, the GOC did not fully realize how much ecumenism had rooted itself into the ROCOR until much later. Otherwise, it would not have united with it in 1971. They were not even aware that Anthony of Geneva had served as the ROCOR official observer at Vatican II in the early 1960s. Whereas the GOC was required to present a written true and correct profession of faith, none was received from the ROCOR stating their true confession of faith. Nothing was received in writing even though the GOC Synod repeatedly asked for a ROCOR profession of faith. As soon as the GOC realized through news sources that Anthony of Geneva and others were concelebrating and distributing communion to New Calendarists, and they sorrowfully recognized that Auxentios was stubbornly remaining in schism from the GOC, then they separated themselves from the ROCOR and promptly issued an encyclical to ROCOR in February of 1976, condemning not only the schism of Old Calendarism, but also the heresy of Ecumenism.


Not very long after the GOC sent their epistle to the ROCOR, the ROCOR dropped Auxentios and his synod as a sister church.

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Post by Maria »

In 1957, the GOC of Metropolitan Demetrius of Thessalonica issued the Declaration Against the New Calendarists, Modernists and Ecumenists http://genuineorthodoxchurch.com/1957encyclical.htm

On July 13, 1983, the GOC issued an official encyclical condemning Old Calendar Ecumenism.
http://churchgoc.blogspot.com/2009/09/o ... enism.html

Then again, in 1985, the GOC issued a declaration condemning the Pan-heresy of Ecumenism.
http://genuineorthodoxchurch.com/agains ... m_1985.htm

Finally, in October of 1983, the ROCOR issued its own encyclical condemning the Pan-heresy of Ecumenism, which even the well known ecumenist Archbishop Anthony of Geneva surprisingly signed. Note that Anthony had attended Vatican II as an official representative of the ROCOR. However, communist agents and freemasons are known for taking one step backwards but two steps forward, so that they are always moving patiently one step ahead with their progressive ungodly agenda. As a result, Anthony could easily convince others that he had repented by signing this encyclical, when he had not.

For more information on the 1983 ROCOR condemnation of Ecumenism, please see: http://www.orthodoxchristianbooks.com/a ... ecumenism/

After the repose of Met. Philaret of New York in the fall of 1985, a world-wide event began to unfold as the Soviet Union began to fall apart. With the apparent fall of communion in 1989, prominent ROCOR hierarchs, priests, deacons and laity were being convinced that now was the time to have reunion, and that for church unity, it simply did not matter that all the MPs to date had been KGB agents, including the current Patriarch Kyrill. That mere fact should have been a strong warning sign as KGB agents defecting to the West have repeatedly stated that in order to graduate from the KGB training, the candidates had to rape ten to twenty women within two to ten hours without showing any emotion. Then notice how the "former" KGB agent Putin rarely shows any emotion in his negotiations and speeches, and how he once stated, "Once a KGB agent, always a KGB agent."

However, private sources have told me that in the years immediately following the repose of Met. Philaret of New York, and before the ROCOR-MP union, that Anthony of Geneva was going around encouraging, arm-twisting, and apparently blackmailing clergy into accepting this false union for the sake of the unity of the Russian Church. Prominent hierarchs, priests, deacons, and laity who had initially opposed the ROCOR-MP, suddenly changed their minds after meeting with Anthony of Geneva. Digging up compromising information or creating compromising situations and pictures with which to blackmail people is a tactic often used by KGB agents. There are even some indications that Anthony of Geneva could have hastened his own brother's very early death so that he could assume his seat as Archbishop of Geneva as the two brothers lived together in the same house.

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Post by Jean-Serge »

What I still need to have translated in the correspondence between Matthewites and the Synod of Auxence in the 1970s because 2 letters are available at the moment in the Internet, the ones displayed by Stavros Makrou.

Regarding Matthewite not knowing, I am a bit reserved because at this time, in Paris, the Romanian parish under ROCOR used the new calendar. And one of the bishop that consecrated Akakios or Auxentios, I do not remember was himself a Romanian using new calendar but in communion with ROCOR. Did they ignore it at this time? It is difficult to know.

Regarding Putin, as KGB agent, he was essentially making boring administrative stuff in Russian and later in Germany. He was not a James Bond or very high ranking in the organisation. The medals he got there were all for seniority. KGB must have employed so many people at this time with different ranks from typist to high officials.

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