Finding a true orthodox spouse

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Re: Finding a true orthodox spouse

Post by Maria »

maximus wrote:

This is a topic I find very interested...

On December 7th of last year, I became engaged to a wonderful woman. I am an Orthodox Christian. She is not. However, her intentions, and her actions have shown me that she is open to the Faith. She is in communication with my priest and appears open to baptism. She still has quite a lot to learn, but God willing she will keep progressing...

We live states-apart. Oftentimes, she assists me in my spiritual struggles, encouraging me when I fall into despair and despondency... She seems to exhibit more Christian virtue than I do and she's not even baptized. I hope that she is never like me but remains as she is: kind, patient, and forgiving. It's funny - she admires St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, who had such a concern for the soul of her husband.

I know that I can never marry her unless she comes into the Faith. And it is a balancing act sometimes trying to push her towards God without shoving; without becoming the reason to be baptized. God forbid she become baptized for MY sake. I would rather be alone.

My priest has considered this relationship to be beneficial for me. What are your thoughts?

Many years ago, my husband also was baptized just before our wedding.
He attended his catechumen classes without me as the priest wanted to make sure it was his own choice.

We had initially met at a Thanksgiving potluck dinner hosted at a nearby church.
Since his youth my husband had always been looking for the True Faith, and God used me to lead him home.

Several years before I had met my husband, a priest had told me that I would probably met a suitable mate and lead him to Christ. He was right. Many couples have told me that their spouses helped lead them to Christ, but it was Christ who provided the grace. Indeed, in our relationship, my husband's conversion helped my own faith, so there was much grace showered upon us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Finding a true orthodox spouse

Post by JamesR »

Do any of you have any advice for finding an Orthodox spouse? It's very tough given that we make up like barely 2% of the American population and even less if you're a Traditionalist. I wish that the Orthodox in America would consider setting up an arranged marriage network between parishes or something to make it easier to find Orthodox spouses.

"'Blessed are the peacemakers' For those are peacemakers in themselves who, in conquering and subjecting to reason all the motions of their souls and having their carnal desires tamed, have become in themselves a Kingdom of God."-St. Augustine of Hippo (Confessions)

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Re: Finding a true orthodox spouse

Post by NadirGP »

JamesR wrote:

Do any of you have any advice for finding an Orthodox spouse? It's very tough given that we make up like barely 2% of the American population and even less if you're a Traditionalist. I wish that the Orthodox in America would consider setting up an arranged marriage network between parishes or something to make it easier to find Orthodox spouses.

I do not have any advice, alas, because we have the same problem among us, here in our so-called traditional Catholic ambient. Many young men and women cannot find the right Catholic spouse. However, two of our three children - our second son and the only daughter - both have married a traditional Catholic spouse this year - one in April and the other in September 2013.

How come, then, this happened, you may ask. The fact is that our son and daughter used to mix with the same group of friends, who went to the same traditional church. Incidentally, our new daughter in-law is an American.

… Some food for thought.

So Jesus was saying to those Ιουδαιους [Judeans] who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
John 8:31-32

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Re: Finding a true orthodox spouse

Post by Barbara »

That's so nice, Nadir, that your children were able to find solid spouses from their Church circles !
Inspiring for many Catholics and Orthodox who may catch this thread [it IS a topic of nearly universal interest].

What background is your daughter's husband then ? Italian too, or another ?

It's impressive that they stuck to Church rather than rebelled. Or compromised with the current Western society. You must have raised them well !

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Re: Finding a true orthodox spouse

Post by NadirGP »

Barbara wrote:

That's so nice, Nadir, that your children were able to find solid spouses from their Church circles !
Inspiring for many Catholics and Orthodox who may catch this thread [it IS a topic of nearly universal interest].

What background is your daughter's husband then ? Italian too, or another ?

It's impressive that they stuck to Church rather than rebelled. Or compromised with the current Western society. You must have raised them well !


My new son-in-law is a born Australian. We raised our three children in the Catholic faith and home schooled all of them; and no television in our home. That is why they did not “rebel,” as you put it. All this, of course, is due to God for His infinite mercy and love towards us.


So Jesus was saying to those Ιουδαιους [Judeans] who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
John 8:31-32

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