Precious Metal Thieves strike Holy Transfiguration

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Precious Metal Thieves strike Holy Transfiguration

Post by Maria »

The following was posted at paradosis yahoo group on December 26, 2012:

The Holy Transfiguration Cathedral of Los Angeles experienced a
frightful robbery recently.

Here is what Mitred Archpriest Alexander Lebedeff, the Rector, wrote to
me today: '
""Thank God the perpetrator took none of our icons, and left everything
in the church intact, so that the services on Sunday morning went on as
usual. None of the tabernacles or antimensia were touched. Pages were
ripped out of two Gospels (one our large pre-Revolutionary one) and
strewn on the floor. But all of our chalices and all liturgical
appurtenances were taken (patens, asterisks, spoons, spears, etc.). I
had one spare small set downstairs, so we were able to serve Liturgy.The
preliminary calculation of the loss is $50,000--but the
pre-revolutionary Chalice set is priceless and irreplaceable.We do need
to find two more chalices to borrow, Communion spoons, and spears. I
willl talk to Fr. Alexey also.I ask for your prayers for my flock our
clergy and for myself in these difficult times."
Please find a way to help that parish, including praying.

Bishop OCA retired

We need to be careful. Is there not a place where the sacred vessels can be stored and locked up?

These thieves were either atheistic or communists as they destroyed two Gospel books.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Precious Metal Thieves strike Holy Transfiguration

Post by Barbara »

How does anyone really KNOW they were going to resell for metal recycling price ?
[Or do these people take to other specialized outlets and thus command a higher rate than for
for example copper pipe at a usual recycling place?]

The 2 pages ripped out scream out : demons,
but the fact that the pre-Revolutionary items were taken sounds like
guess what outfit which would be jealous of any genuine ROCOR artifacts
which represent a link back to Tsarist times ?

Those would [maybe ? ] fetch a price in Mother Russia ?

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Re: Precious Metal Thieves strike Holy Transfiguration

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

How does anyone really KNOW they were going to resell for metal recycling price ?
[Or do these people take to other specialized outlets and thus command a higher rate than for
for example copper pipe at a usual recycling place?]

The 2 pages ripped out scream out : demons,
but the fact that the pre-Revolutionary items were taken sounds like
guess what outfit which would be jealous of any genuine ROCOR artifacts
which represent a link back to Tsarist times ?

Those would [maybe ? ] fetch a price in Mother Russia ?

These are not your typical scrap metal thieves who are looking for copper piping, but these thieves were after the golden chalices, communion spoons, etc.

Pages from the two Gospel books were ripped out and tossed on the ground. This is desecration.
Yet, no icons were taken, and some of the icons are extremely valuable too.

Interestingly, there was no mention of a re-dedication or re-consecration of this church after this demonic attack.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Precious Metal Thieves strike Holy Transfiguration

Post by Matthew »

Indeed, the pigs had entered the Holy Altar area, and they did not reconsecrate? Indeed these are men who are "pigs in the parlour".

Is it a sign that they are being judged for departing from the Church to join the god-hating MP? Surely they have no more grace in their communion and so maybe God was trying to indicate that to them by taking away all their chalice sets.

Nevertheless, I am very sad to hear this disturbing news. It is a tragic loss.

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Re: Precious Metal Thieves strike Holy Transfiguration

Post by Barbara »

Right, I was wondering that too - my first reaction to hearing this news.
But we have to be humble : it could happen to one of our parishes too because the Devil decided
to strike there to put us on the defensive against World Orthodox errors.

Still it IS a very shocking thing. I hope the news WON'T pick it up or there may be
evil minds who get an idea to imitate this revolting action.

I wonder how they got into the church to START with ? Must have been the middle of the night
after doors locked after Saturday Vigil ?

VERY SAD, as well as the odious desecration which as of yet has not
been remedied. I trust this priest is too busy or distraught right now
so has not been able to schedule the reconsecration.

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Re: Precious Metal Thieves strike Holy Transfiguration

Post by joasia »

Icxypion wrote:

Surely they have no more grace in their communion and so maybe God was trying to indicate that to them by taking away all their chalice sets.

Symeon, it's not right to make such a judgement, otherwise you can become like Nilos who is so full of hate. It builds up and controls your soul. Have mercy on people. It will be more beneficial for your soul. God wants to save everyone. Everybody deserves a chance to come to the truth. We don't know what God has planned for everyone. Just pray for them and pray for yourself.

As Barbara put very well, it could happen to us. Like the old monastic saying goes: him today, me tomorrow.

Although, the evil one doesn't decide to do something by his own will...he is given permission by God, like with Job. So it is a trial for the people that suffered this because God allowed it. Whether it is for punishment or cleansing, we do not know. It is for those who are dealing with it that will learn from it.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Re: Precious Metal Thieves strike Holy Transfiguration

Post by Matthew »

Amen, dear joanna, you are entirely right. I did pose it as a question, not a conclusion I had come to, though. But, you are entirely right. Better not to even consider it in such terms. Him today, me tomorrow. God forbid, but such things are always a possibility.

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