From St. Makarios

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From St. Makarios

Post by frphoti »

A brother paid a visit to Abba Macarius and said to him, “Tell me a word: how can I be saved?”
The old man said to him, “Go to the tombs. Curse the dead. Throw rocks at them.”
The brother left. He cursed the dead and threw rocks at them, and when he returned to the old man, the old man said to him, “They didn’t say anything to you did they?”
The brother said to him, “No father.”
The old man said to him, “Go tomorrow and glorify them, saying, ‘you are apostles, you are saints and righteous.’”
He returned to the old man and said to him, “I glorified them.”
The old man said to him, “They didn’t say anything to you did they?”
He said, “No.”
The old man said to him, “You have seen how you cursed them and they did not say anything to you, and how you glorified them and they did not respond at all. It should be the same with you too: if you wish to be saved, go, be dead, having no regard for people’s contempt nor their honors, like the dead, and you can be saved.”

Truly, if the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father is perfect, then that from the Son is superfluous.
St. Photios the Great

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