NATO allies turn down Bush request

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NATO allies turn down Bush request

Post by Graves »

The only true ethnic Macedonians are Greeks. Slavs who speak a Bulgarian
dialect where told by the Communists that they were the ethnic kin of ancient
Macednionans in the Cold War attempt to steal Greek land and create a warm
water port for Stalin.

I don't how the USA can justify once being against the creation of these fake
Slavs called 'Macedonians' and now the USA supports them.

That is why America is hated - she is not hated for her freedoms but for her
tendency to be a 'two-faced' nation in diplomacy. To say one thing and do
another. To hold one position at a point in time and then take the exact
oppositte position later on.

See below for what the State Dept. once said:

Foreign Relations Vol. VIII, 868.014 / 26 Dec. 1944

"The Department has noted increasing propaganda rumors and semi-official
statements in favor of an autonomous Macedonia, emanating principally from
Bulgaria, but also from Yugoslav Partisan and other sources, with the
implication that Greek territory would be included in the projected state.
This Government (of USA) considers talk of Macedonian "nation",
Macedonian "Fatherland", or Macedonian "national consciousness" to be
unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic, nor political reality, and
sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against
Greece. The approved policy of this Government is to oppose any revival of the
Macedonian issue as related to Greece. The Greek section of Macedonia is
largely inhabited by Greeks, and the Greek people are almost unanimously
opposed to the creation of a Macedonian state. Allegations of serious Greek
participation in any such agitation can be assumed to be false. This
Government (of USA) would regard as responsible any Government or group of
Governments tolerating or encouraging menacing or aggressive acts
of "Macedonian forces" against Greece".

U.S. Secretary of State Stettinius

And then see what the State Dept now says

[As posted by Destro, Liberty Forum]

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