My blog - First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians

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My blog - First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians

Post by Chrysostomos »

I normally don't try to plug my blog, but I am enjoying my reading of St. Clement of Rome's Epistle to the Corinthians and started writing my thoughts on the first two chapters. Chapter 1 yeterday, and Chapter 2 today.

I guess I am wanting to encourage you to visit and feel free to comment. In doing the writing on Chapter 2 today and contemplating on the attributes that St. Clement write "positively" about the Corinthians, it gave me much to think and pray about.

Let it suffice to say, I fail miserably, yet at the same time, when I meditate upon their attributes, I know that if God enabled them, then he enables us.

Pray for me that God would enable me to "reflect" Christ more and more each day and that by my actions, others would seek Christ.

Your fellow struggler in Christ,

Rd. Chrysostomos

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