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Re: Exercises using the FOAM ROLLER

Post by Barbara »

You did order it ! Maybe I will wait and see how you find it works. That makes sense to me how you plan to use it.
One could possibly use the sharp corner of a wall too - I remember a massage therapist telling me this one time for when one is at home and has a painful place in the back or shoulders. She talked about a door frame but I never quite got that except that there are a few angles which could POSSIBLY help ease discomfort. Seems to me that a door frame doesn't have sharp enough angles ; therefore where 2 walls or 2 boards meet then one could press against that. I don't know how large the roller is so to estimate whether THIS strategy could help. But I am quite interested to hear how you like it because that description was certainly compelling.

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Dentists can regrow our dentin - no more fillings!

Post by Maria »

http://healthycures.org/a-simple-laser- ... teeth-back

No more fillings! Scientists have figured out how to regenerate dentin, the material inside our teeth.

And all it takes is a quick blast with a low-powered laser, according to new research by a team of Harvard University-led scientists.

The new study published in Science Translational Medicine shows that a low-power laser can trigger stem cells in your tooth to form dentin.

As Sarah Zhang reports for Gizmodo, currently dentists can only replace damaged dentin with synthetic material, for example, when you get a filling or root canal.

But using this new technique, dentists may soon be able to actually regrow your tooth.

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What heavy metals and poisons are in your supplements?

Post by Maria »

http://www.naturalnews.com/055381_Shila ... sults.html

Mike Adams owns an internationally licensed heavy metal testing facility in which he has been testing medical supplements, water samples, etc.

He has urged us to contact the companies from which we buy supplements, so I did so.

I spoke with a representative of Nature's Life and asked them

(1) about the source of their supplements: And he replied that the raw materials come from China and all countries around the globe.

(2) about the content of Lead (Pb) in the supplement known as l-Lysine Powder:
He replied that this product has a lead content less than/or equal to 3 ppm (3000 ppb)
This means that if you were to take two doses per day (1/2 teaspoon of the powder added to your yogurt), then you would be receiving a daily dose of 6000 parts per billion or 6 parts per million per day. The yearly dose of lead would be 2190 ppm.

Now investigate any other supplements that you are taking, especially any root formulations containing turmeric, ginger, dandelion, radish, onions, and garlic, which naturally would have a higher lead content. Then check out fresh produce like potatoes, carrots, and other root vegetables. Calculate the lead content of these roots and what percentage you eat per day and per year.

You would be eating more lead in your food and supplements than that received in a single dose of flu vaccine.

Now calculate the amount of aluminum, mercury, cadimum, and fluoride in your food and supplements, which is guaranteed to be high).

Again, you would be eating more more of these poisons in your food and supplements than that received in a single dose of flu vaccine.

We are living in a very toxic society due to all the pollution in the skies, the water, and the soil.

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Re: What heavy metals and poisons are in your supplements?

Post by Barbara »

Maria this is an alarming state of affairs ! I have been wondering, in fact, about GINGER supplements. I figure that some of that ginger comes from China, even perhaps in some of the better supplement brands.

Turmeric might be more likely from India, where it is widely used as a spice in all [ what we call ] curries. Turmeric is what gives the curry its special color. Just don't get it on your white Paschal dress, however !

Is Nature's Life a medium range brand of supplements ? Many of those I completely don't trust. Especially ones which do NOT package in GLASS. Preferably amber glass. I took a quick look at Nature's Life's home page. I see a lot of plastic bottles and
also [ aluminum - lined ? ] canisters. I also am suspicious of THOSE !

Another problem is the fillers. I see Nature's Life offers orange flavored or similar selections to appeal to children [ and reluctant adults ]. Even if not sugar-based, how did they produce the flavor ? If I see flavored anything, I pass it right by, with the exception of some children's tinctures which are fine for anyone. For who knows, I figure, what ingredient or even chemical is used to create that more palatable taste ?

Anyway, it's a good tip to realize that root foods may be more prone to harboring lead than other plants are. We need to keep close tabs here. Who wants to call a vitamin company ? But it may be the only way to get them to stop importing their herbs from China.

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Re: What heavy metals and poisons are in your supplements?

Post by Barbara »

The Oakland special shop for spices sells one called "Alleppey Turmeric".
Nothing to do with the northern city of Syria, this is a region of India.
I bet this Alleppey Turmeric is of finer quality than most of what one finds in general stores.
It would be interesting to compare the lead content, if any, in both types of Organic Turmeric offered for sale to the public.

https://oaktownspiceshop.com/products/t ... r-alleppey

I think the brand of spices called Simply Organic is excellent. But now places like superstores are selling Organic Turmeric in their in-house brands.

I would not use those for food, but perhaps for gardening. [ To keep out those awful earwigs ! ]

I am sorry, I had almost forgotten this very valuable thread packed full with good insights and info.

Last edited by Barbara on Thu 16 March 2017 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fermented foods for health

Post by Barbara »

What leading Macrobiotic and Organic Food Producer Eden Foods has to say about the advantages of fermented food.

NOTE that this company is conservative, opposing abortion and such evils.
Anyone wanting fresh berries, nuts, pumpkin seeds [ they get rid of worms in the digestive tract ! ] and other treats should purchase their extremely healthy snack products ! It is supporting the right kind of cause, which is so rare to find in Western countries today. Eden has taken a lot of flack for their conservative standpoints. Thus purchasing their food products gives them a needed boost in the face of so much scorn from liberals.

Symbiotic Microbial Usefulness

The first perceived value of fermented foods was likely how they were protected from spoiling, could be stored for later use, and were easier to transport. The ways in which fermented foods were introduced and became common are mostly lost to us. Folklore in Japan holds that miso was introduced during the ‘age of the gods.’ Only recently have the efficacies and nutrition improvements of fermented foods become better known.

Fresh food’s life span tends to be short. Substantially increasing the time during which food is appealing and usable had a transformative, fundamentally freeing effect on humanity. Every known past civilization used fermentation and pickling of food to ensure availability and variety for greater periods of time and circumstances.

Drying and freezing no doubt came first. Sun-drying preserved some foods, and freezing preserved almost all of them. Nevertheless, ‘fireless cooking’ or fermentation has been used for a very very long time, and continuously.

Pickling Transforms and Accentuates

Microorganisms of fermentation create enzymes that do things like convert starch to sugars, and then to alcohol for beer and wine. When that fermentation continues alcohol is converted to acetic acid and makes vinegar. There is considerable commercial value in the results of those fermentation processes, but there is a lot more chemistry going on that is not commonly known or appreciated. It too has great value, for instance the complexity of beneficial compounds created as mother of vinegar works its magic.

Certain enzymes of pickling and fermentation break down proteins into their component amino acids. The dynamics of the processes are complex and vary considerably dependent upon factors related to the food, the starter culture, and the environment. A major goal of modern food processing has been to eliminate, as much as possible, the variables, subtleties, complexities, and the requirement of good human judgment being involved. This is accomplished today using GMO derived enzymes and mechanically managed environments.

Pickling or lacto-fermentation is a method of food preservation using a vinegar salt brine, or similar solution. Records of its use go back to at least 2030 B.C. in Mesopotamia. Beneficial Lactobacillus bacteria thrives on sugar and produces lactic acid. They are used to make lactic acid fermented foods, and it gives sauerkraut and pickles their tangy, sour taste.

Intelligent fermentation can transform food into being more nutritious, more delicious, and easier to digest. Essentially, it is a pre-consumption digestion or breaking down process that converts complex nutrients into simpler, easier to absorb ones. Human assimilation is then much easier and draws far less energy for digestion from the person eating them, so the fermented foods are more restorative.

Probiotic and Prebiotics Values

Today, fermented and pickled foods are commonly referred to as sources of probiotics that support health and aid in digestion of other foods. When these foods are eaten in combination with whole grain, beans, and vegetables that contain prebiotics, they encourage beneficial intestinal flora to thrive. Developing and maintaining healthy intestinal balance prevents unhealthy bacteria and this is essential for overall well being.

It is important to choose the finest quality fermented and pickled foods from trusted sources such as EDEN. Today, many of these ancient health foods are made with cheap ingredients, refined salt and sugar, petrochemical derived white vinegar, artificial colors, GMOs, and chemical preservatives that severely diminish their value.

Traditional Health Food

Eden Foods offers eleven types of lacto-fermented foods including authentic, traditional sauerkraut, pickles, and vinegars made the artisan way without any untoward additives whatsoever. Most are certified pareve.

• EDEN Sauerkraut is authentically organic, exceptional sauerkraut. It is grown, fermented, and packed by a single family. Sweet organic cabbage is hand harvested, cored, shredded, and lactic acid fermented with EDEN sea salt. Over nine decades of experience, traditional methods, and one family'’s care from seedling to jar give this sauerkraut sought after character and potent beneficial qualities. New EDEN Kimchi Sauerkraut combines traditional Kimchi spices with the mellow savory flavor of old-world kraut. After EDEN Sauerkraut is fermented, all organic red bell peppers, onions, garlic, ginger root, cayenne pepper, yellow mustard seeds, and chili pepper are added. They impart sparkling Kimchi zest and a pretty red hue. It is perfect for sandwiches. New EDEN Three Onion Sauerkraut has all organic white onion, shallots, green onion (scallions), brown rice syrup, caraway and mustard seed, black pepper, and nutmeg for a mellow sweet, savory richness. A perfect side serving.

For centuries sauerkraut has been a vital source of vitamin C and nutrition, especially during winter. It was common on long sea voyages and prevented scurvy until citrus fruits began to be used.

• EDEN Pickled Ginger is thinly sliced fresh ginger root with red shiso (beefsteak) leaves. Called ‘gari’ or ‘sushi ginger,’ it is always served with sushi, although it will brighten any meal and is a perfect palate cleaner. Toxic additives of many kinds are the norm in typical sushi restaurant pickled ginger, but EDEN pickled ginger is simply pure and purifying.

• EDEN Pickled Daikon Radish is from long, white daikon radish, sun-dried and pickled with rice bran and sea salt. High in diastase enzyme from fermentation that stimulates appetite and aids digestion. Photo essay

EDEN Umeboshi are brine pickled ume plums, sun-dried, infused with red shiso (beefsteak) leaves, and then aged for a year. Excellent for sushi, rice balls, and corn on the cob, they impart a sour tartness to dressings, dips, and sauces. This Nanko variety has juicy pulp, delicious flavor, and high citric acid content. As the king of alkaline food, pickled ume plums are an ancient efficacious food used to balance and strengthen. They are valued as a digestive aid. EDEN Umeboshi Paste is pitted, pureed umeboshi. A citric sour condiment used in making sushi, dips, sauces, and salad dressings, or spread it onto corn on the cob.

EDEN Organic Apple Cider and Red Wine Vinegar are raw and unpasteurized with mother of vinegar. Organic, sweet, smooth, and mellow Brown Rice Vinegar is made using a 1,000-year-old method, organic brown rice, and spring water fermented outdoors in earthenware crocks. Ume Plum Vinegar is the pickling brine from umeboshi plums with sea salt and red shiso (beefsteak leaf is used to flavor and preserve food).

These vinegars are authentic, traditionally fermented versions. They contain a variety of beneficial organic acids, bacteria, enzymes, and phytonutrients. Research is only beginning to shed light on why there is so much anecdotal evidence of vinegar’s ability to promote overall health. EDEN vinegars are bottled in dark amber glass to protect flavor, nutrients, and beneficial character.

Easy to make Pickles and Pressed Salads

A variety of EDEN pickled and fermented food in the pantry is always a good idea and will be admirably appreciated by those you care to share them with. Use them as sides, a snack, a condiment, in salads, and in cooking.

EDEN Vinegars make quick and delicious homemade refrigerator pickles and refreshing Pressed Salads. All you need to do is add a bit of EDEN Sea Salt or organic fermented EDEN Shoyu soy sauce or Miso to make them.

Unlike other salads, pressed salads are made by pressing down the ingredients in a screw press, crock, or bowl. The pressure and salt bring out water content and soften the vegetables making them more delicious and easier to digest, while keeping their active, raw, living enzymes. Pressed salads are quick and easy to make. Vegetables are first thinly sliced to facilitate pressing and lightly salted. The pressing time is short; about one to four hours depending on what is used. The briney water is drained from the salad after pressing and before serving.

The flavor, character, and efficacy of a pressed salad can be whatever you want it to be simply by adjusting the vinegar type, and salt or shoyu percentages of the brine. High quality brine components and organic vegetables make a huge difference. Try some slices of fresh fruit and/or sea vegetables in a pressed salad. As you plate and serve the pressed salad, sprinkle on dried fruit and/or seeds and nuts. A salad press is a rewarding tool.

Pressed salads are appreciated during any season. They are easy on the stomach and easy to digest because of the balanced vinegar and salt combination.

Source : Eden Foods Newsletter. This March edition will be made public soon. Right now, it is available by signing up for emails from Eden Foods, winner of countless health food awards.

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Mumps epidemic among the vaccinated

Post by Maria »

Can mumps be prevented by eating a healthy diet along with pickles, lemons, apple cider vinegar and sauerkraut? Below us a cute poem by Elizabeth Madox Roberts that asks such questions.

Does one really want to prevent mumps from occurring in childhood?

I had mumps when I was 12 ... it was not pleasant with flu-like symptoms and huge swellings on either side of my face, but I have heard that having mumps in college, like a lot of current college students with this current epidemic of mumps among the vaccinated, is not a good thing because the complications are worse after puberty.

Why is there an epidemic among the vaccinated? Have their immune systems been damaged due to the excipients found in vaccines such as mercury, formalydehyde, and/or aluminum?

So, what is worse:

(A) Delaying the onset of childhood mumps through vaccination and then suffering it after puberty when in high school or college?
(B) Or not getting vaccinated and allowing nature to take its course?

Mumps and the MMR.jpg
Mumps and the MMR.jpg (44.64 KiB) Viewed 2592 times

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