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Always Wash New Clothing Before Wearing Them.

Post by Maria »


* New clothing items may contain respiratory secretions, skin flora, fecal flora, yeast and vaginal organisms

  • Although it’s not likely to become sick from trying on new clothing, it is possible; lice and scabies may also be transmitted
  • New clothing may also contain chemicals used during the manufacturing process
  • Wash new clothing at least once, and maybe even twice, before wearing

To read the complete article, please visit: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... acebookdoc

This also applies to yarn purchases.

I received some polyester-acrylic yarn as a birthday present. As it had a slight unpleasant odor, I washed the skeins, placing them in nylon mesh bags so they would not unravel in the washing machine. Then I had to dry them on low forever until they dried. Still they gave off a chemical odor, so I washed them two more times. Finally, I realized that it was most likely the dye, so I tossed them out.

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Re: 13 warning signs of kidney stones

Post by Barbara »

Well, you learned the hard way : avoid 'tofu' at ALL costs !
I always knew it was terrible on the digestion because of the protein and carbohydrate combination, plus some other mysterious ingredients which are hard for one's system to break down.
Soy and Soy Milk and tofu are always recommended for women. But no - a bad idea.

I am sorry you had to endure all that, Maria.

I had never heard of kidneys swelling ! Enlarged liver, yes, but not kidneys. Sorry to hear that.

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Benefits of a High-fat; Low-carb diet for diabetes, cancer, etc.

Post by Maria »

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... 1337066109

* The Western diet biases you toward using carbs for fuel. Low- non-fiber carb diets work because they help you escape this carb-based metabolism that depends on insulin to drive blood sugar into cells and use carbs for fuel

  • A common misconception is that low- non-fiber carb diets are high–protein diets. In reality, a ketogenic diet needs to be moderate in protein because excess protein is anti-ketogenic
  • Low- non-fiber carb diets can help you shed body fat, improve metabolism, boost energy levels, promote longevity, protect brain function, boost mental clarity, improve athletic performance, and more

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Re: Always Wash New Clothing Before Wearing Them.

Post by Barbara »

That is incredibly valuable information about the urgent need to wash new clothes !
I had been feeling I should do that for some years. But I didn't imagine it was so needed. I vaguely thought about
how many people have touched that particular clothes item and from that I took to this habit.
When young, I naively assumed everything from a store was as clean as could possibly be.

I rarely have washed new clothes twice, but I do tend to wear them once after a good wash and then give a thorough second washing. I think from now on I will wash them TWICE at the outset !

Eww, terrible !
The chemical component is really alarming, especially what you said about the yarn you received.
[ Isn't that infuriating to keep drying so many times and get little result ? ]

By the way : I recommend drying everything OUTDOORS in fresh air with sunlight, preferably.
I suspect the sun eliminates all those bacteria, germs and other awful things. There may be some even that
no one has yet discovered but which are a serious threat.


After reading the article :

I see that several of the commenters mentioned this idea of drying items out in fresh air and sun.
One person even added, 'even in winter'.
That is exactly what I do. When it's cold but sunny [even with snow on the ground which imparts a feeling of purification], hang the items out to dry until they start to freeze solid...!

This applies to sheets and blankets, too ! All the more important for them to receive this careful treatment.

This paragraph from Maria's article is appalling :

"What types of illnesses could you potentially get from trying on contaminated clothes?

Organisms that cause hepatitis A, traveler's diarrhea, MRSA, salmonella, norovirus, yeast infections and streptococcus ....[come from] clothing items tried on by multiple people."

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... acebookdoc

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Re: Always Wash New Clothing Before Wearing Them.

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

That is incredibly valuable information about the urgent need to wash new clothes !
I had been feeling I should do that for some years. But I didn't imagine it was so needed. I vaguely thought about
how many people have touched that particular clothes item and from that I took to this habit.
When young, I naively assumed everything from a store was as clean as could possibly be.

I rarely have washed new clothes twice, but I do tend to wear them once after a good wash and then give a thorough second washing. I think from now on I will wash them TWICE at the outset !

Eww, terrible !
The chemical component is really alarming, especially what you said about the yarn you received.
[ Isn't that infuriating to keep drying so many times and get little result ? ]

By the way : I recommend drying everything OUTDOORS in fresh air with sunlight, preferably.
I suspect the sun eliminates all those bacteria, germs and other awful things. There may be some even that
no one has yet discovered but which are a serious threat.


After reading the article :

I see that several of the commenters mentioned this idea of drying items out in fresh air and sun.
One person even added, 'even in winter'.
That is exactly what I do. When it's cold but sunny [even with snow on the ground which imparts a feeling of purification], hang the items out to dry until they start to freeze solid...!

This applies to sheets and blankets, too ! All the more important for them to receive this careful treatment.

This paragraph from Maria's article is appalling :

"What types of illnesses could you potentially get from trying on contaminated clothes?

Organisms that cause hepatitis A, traveler's diarrhea, MRSA, salmonella, norovirus, yeast infections and streptococcus ....[come from] clothing items tried on by multiple people."

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... acebookdoc

How many people think to wash their hands or use a homemade hand sanitizer whenever they visit stores and merely TOUCH the clothing that has been handled by multiple clerks and customers.

What really boggles the mind is the fact that while restaurants and food services are mandated by law to have their staff wash their hands after using the restroom facilities, the clothing business does not mandate that practice at all.


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Adderall Side Effects = Memory Loss, Brain Damage, etc.

Post by Maria »

Adderall, the most popular drug for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), has been used by many of the 6.4 million American children currently diagnosed with ADHD but also misused by 20-30% of all students who are trying to gain better concentration for taking tests in college. It can be extremely addictive, and has a row of side effects including nervousness, dry mouth, poor circulation, numbness in fingers, difficulty breathing, stomach pains, loss of appetite, and heart problems. In rare cases Adderall can lead to mental illness and psychosis. And there also has been growing evidence that Adderall and similar ADHD medications may lead to damage to areas of the brain, especially if it is a developing brain of a child. ...

To read the entire article, please click http://althealthworks.com/8499/adderall ... vesyelena/

Beware: This article advocates Transcendental Meditation, which is not compatible with Orthodox Christianity.
For more information about TM, please read Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future by Father Seraphim Rose.

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Acid Reflux or GERD - What can be done?

Post by Maria »

* Acid reflux affects an estimated 50 percent of Americans. The hallmark symptom of acid reflux is “heartburn”—a burning sensation behind your breastbone that sometimes travels up your throat

  • Acid reflux is not a disease caused by excessive acid production in your stomach; rather it’s a symptom more commonly related to hiatal hernia and/or Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection
  • The problem also typically results from having too little acid in your stomach, which is why proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) typically just perpetuate the problem, and make acid reflux worse
  • The answer to heartburn and acid indigestion is to restore your natural gastric balance and function. Eat lots of vegetables and other high-quality, ideally organic, unprocessed foods
  • Make sure you’re getting enough beneficial bacteria from your diet by regularly consuming fermented foods. This will help balance your bowel flora, which can help eliminate H. pylori bacteria naturally

To view the entire article, which has some extra recommendations and two videos, please click: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... tment.aspx

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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