Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

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Archimandrit Nilos
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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Archimandrit Nilos »

Bergoglio alias Francis is an apostate from all Christian Faith.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Maria »

Archimandrit Nilos wrote:

Bergoglio alias Francis is an apostate from all Christian Faith.

True. Thus, he is the most dangerous as he could cause millions or even billions of souls to lose all faith.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Maria »

Latest news from the SSPX. On July 11, 2018, the General Chapter of the SSPX elected this Argentinian SSPX leadership team.


Pictured at the left, Bishop De Galarreta is Spanish-Argentine. In the center of this photo is Fr. Davide Pagliarani who is the new Superior General of the SSPX. Fr. Davide was the director of the Argentine seminary of the SSPX. On the right is the Frenchman, Fr. Bouchacourt, who was superior of the district in Argentina.

Bishop De Galarreta and Fr. Bouchacourt will serve as General Assistants to Fr. Davide Pagliarani.

From what I have read at various sites, this new leadership team is quite liberal and will not oppose a union with the Vatican and with the apostate Francis.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Barbara »

Do you have any details as to on what subjects they are liberal ? What a disappointment. One would expect much better.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Madison Grant »

The SSPX was loud in calling out the RCC on Modernism and Ecumenism.

But then Modernism and Ecumenism swallowed in whole the SSPX. They were barking at first but then they started to whimper.

The new Superior General will reign for the next 12 years. The society will be burnt in his image as it was for the last 24 years (two terms) under Bishop Bernard Fellay. Where it will go is anyone's guess. Bishop Bernard Fellay wanted to keep a privilege in denouncing the Modernism while in full communion with his Pope but, that union never materialized.

Sort of reminds me of the ROCOR-MP. Literally. Except that the union between the ROCOR and the MP did occur and the ROCOR-MP has compromised its previous position for the sake of being in full communion with their Patriarch. But that discussion is better left off for another sub-forum.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Maria »

The following Internet link with the work of Dom Chautard of France describes how the SSPX was ultimately betrayed, is being betrayed, and will be betrayed by the ralliers. The ralliers are currently working with Francis to bring about a union. To show you how far the SSPX has gone in betraying the principles of the founding father of SSPX, currently the SSPX celebrates marriages with a Vatican II priest presiding. ... e-ralliers

... the term "ralliers" refers to those communities, priests and faithful who preserve the traditional liturgy but [at the same time] accept the main Conciliar errors as well as the full validity and legitimacy of the Novus Ordo of Paul VI and the [other] sacraments that Paul VI tampered with and promulgated.

"Dom Gérard, in his declaration, refers to what is given to him and accepts to put himself under obedience to modernist Rome, which remains essentially anti-traditional"1. ...

We say that the ralliers have stopped defending Tradition because since 1988 they no longer denounce the Conciliar errors (the harmfulness of the New Mass, of the new Code of Canon Law, of interreligious dialogue, of religious liberty, etc.)3.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by jdigrande »


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