Fr. Paul Kramer Preaches that Francis is a Formal Heretic

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Re: Fr. Paul Kramer Preaches that Francis is a Formal Heretic

Post by Maria »

For those inquiring Catholics who are looking into Holy Orthodoxy, here is another reason to renounce Francis as pope.

He just did the unthinkable, which was displayed front and center on The Drudge Report on Christmas Day (new calendar) 2017.

It is so blasphemous and so indecent, that I will only post a link.

There is a reason why we are told only to kiss the hands or feet of an icon of a saint or the crucifix of Christ.

WARNING: very shocking and graphic image - view at your own risk. ... 269301.jpg

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Fr. Paul Kramer Preaches that Francis is a Formal Heretic

Post by Barbara »

I don't think I want to look. This evil person is nothing but a creature of the Dark. Therefore, he works in that typical way of needing to shock to gain attention, never striving to put all that energy into becoming righteous.
Thus, it's a slippery slope for the devils and their human agents to increase the shock value incrementally in order to hold the world's attention, if only due to their outrageous behavior. This sounds like the latest step. But not the last !

Fr Paul Kramer, however, is one of the sharpest "True Catholic" theologians anywhere. He has always sounded friendly to the Russian Orthodox and has the best or one of the best understandings of Russian Orthodoxy of any of the Traditional Catholic figures. Why Russian rather than Greek ? Because of the Fatima message, which mentioned Russia.

I doubt highly that he would convert to Orthodoxy of any type, True or World. But he has good will which is important in this sector, where the Orthodox are disdained loudly as schismatics. One never hears that term from Fr Paul Kramer, unlike the conservative Catholic website Tradition in Action, which never has minced words about their opinion of the Orthodox.

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