Good places to buy icons?

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Good places to buy icons?

Post by khomes »

So where do True Orthodox buy icons? I have a few and I dont need any more now, however if we do decide to buy more, then where would I purchase them? Would it be ok to buy Sofrino factory icons? Holy transfiguration monastery? Uncut mountain press? Light and life? Etc?

Could I only buy from True Orthodox sources or are world Orthodox sources ok too? Any help would be appriciated

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Re: Good places to buy icons?

Post by Maria »

There are some iconographers in True Orthodoxy who write their own icons for sale. Buying their icons helps feed their families.

These icons are more expensive than laminated prints glued onto boards. However, the beauty of gold leaf is worth the extra expense as they glow in the soft light of candles and make the home altar truly a Domestic Church.

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Re: Good places to buy icons?

Post by Barbara »

I was just looking at some pretty icons from Sofrino. Some of the Sofrino products look much improved from what was on offer 20 years ago when I toured their store near Kropotkinskaya Metro, I recall. { What a repulsive name, celebrating that anarchist traitorous 'prince'. I hope it and all the other vestiges of Communist thought will be swiftly converted into pious Saint's names. Or named after a nearby monastery, such as Novospasskaya Metro... }
Perhaps the lines have been expanded to include more interesting icons, such as Mother of God The Unfading Bloom, which depicts Her surrounded by flowers. I personally like it a lot.
Some others of Sofrino's icons are run of the mill.

I see Sofrino products as useful either in a pinch or for unusual Saints with whom inhabitants of the Russia Federation are familiar, but who are almost not known abroad. Perhaps that is due to the lack of translations into English of their lives. For iconographic representations of these Saints, there is almost no other source as of yet.

Probably the very best collection abroad would be Jordanville's. There are many little known Saints included, and often several choices of depiction or style for each Saint.
Take a look here : it's impressive !

I did see very nice Icons too at the website of Holy Cross Hermitage in West Virginia.

There is also an offshoot of that Hermitage which called the Skete of St John the Theologian in Ohio which produces Icons. Maybe we are talking about the same skete vendor, khomes ?

I think we have to face the fact that True Orthodox people are rarely involved in the production of Icons at this stage.
So to find what we wish, we have to scour World Orthodox sites. I don't see any harm in that, since the selection is small to nothing from True Orthodox vendors.

N.B. When searching through the icons on various Rocor-MP - related sites, the True Orthodox person must beware of phonies such as "St" luke of Simferopol, who is an MP 'saint' seemingly much pushed onto Rocor-MP.

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Re: Good places to buy icons?

Post by Jean-Serge »

There are really many places where you can buy icons :

  • from iconographers, which is very good if you want to place a personalized special order
  • from sellers, on Ebay for instance where you can find old icons or in art galleries that sometimes sell old icons too

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