The strange, sad case of the defrocked deacon, Lev Puhalo

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Lazar Puhalo

Post by cparks »

Any members of the ROCOR have any comment on his reception into the OCA?

Last edited by cparks on Thu 31 October 2002 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Seraphim Reeves
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Not a big fan

Post by Seraphim Reeves »

While admittedly he has written some edifying works, I find them too overwhelmed by the very sort of false "neo-Patristic" thinking which I spoke of in another thread (where I criticized rabid "anti-Augustinianism" and "anti-westernism").

Thus my concerns/complaints are not the ones others usually make about "Archbishop" Lev/Lazar (most make reference to his ecclesiastical affiliations; getting booted from ROCOR, then ending up with various vagante/schismatic groups, etc.) I find his move towards the OCA curious, given his apparent traditionalist position. I wonder what he plans on saying about his affiliation with the KP; is this a penitent act on his part (recognition that they're not canonical, and he needs to fix his condition)?


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Post by cparks »

I've just been told that the situation is being re-examined by the Holy Synod of the OCA. Until that's complete, I guess it would behoove me to keep my mouth shut.




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Post by Etienne »

Forgive me, romiosini, but I think we have been here before - at least as regards the third website.

The world has always hated monasticism, and even the pious parents of those declaring an intention to enter a monastery have displayed incredible opposition. It reminds at times of the three Jewish mothers talking about their boys career plans; one is to be a lawyer, marvelous, and another a physician, wonderful, and third a rabbi. His mother wails, "And what kind of job is that for a good Jewish boy?"

I cannot speak of Father Ephraim, but unless and until he is accused before an ecclesiastical court and found guilty, wonder about the understandings, agenda and motives of his detractors.

The rule for the monasteries he has founded appear to be entirely in keeping with Athonite tradition. If he be a true monk then this fusilade of accusations may have only one source!

A Chinese colleague of mine once told me that anyone who points a finger at another has three more pointing back at himself. I have tried never to forget this little truism..........

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Post by Daniel »

I'm at a loss as to how the editoral Church Life In America Is Being Trivialized has anything to do with Fr. Ephriam's alleged cultism. His name comes up only once in reference to his monks 'participating in the pro-Spyridon campaign'.

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Post by Savva24 »

What bothers me the most about that website is not the articles by some secular jerk (for that is expected), but the attacks on Fr. Ephraim's monasteries by Bishop Lazar. What is his problem? It always seems like he has some personal ax to grind, whether it was his vicious attacks against Blessed Seraphim Rose 20 years ago, or the present case. It almost seems like his problem is that he feels he is not getting enough attention in the Orthodox world or something so he has to attack those that are out of some kind of perverse jelously. :ohvey:

What was the OCA thinking?

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